Over the past two years, Platform London and Friends of the Earth Scotland have come together with offshore workers to build a set of demands for a just energy transition for the North Sea. These workers developed 10 demands covering training and skills, pay, job creation, investment and public ownership. The demands were surveyed with over 1000 additional offshore workers - over 90% agreed with them. This plan is comprehensive in scope, transformative in scale and deliverable now.

Read the Offshore Workers’ DemandsThe report contains fully costed plans and personal case studies to back up the workers’ visions for the future.

The Our Power Campaign Manual provides an overview of how to deliver on the 10 worker demands. It contains ideas for how you can fight for a just transition in the UK North Sea.

A ‘Methodology and Lessons Learned’ briefing is for anyone who is interested in climate justice and wants to learn more about how we spoke to offshore oil and gas workers, what the process looked like, and what lessons we learned.